I recently saw the movie, “The Last Heist,” and while it had a not-so-spectacular plot, the serial killer locked up in the bank with these robbers quotes the Scripture, “The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your vision is poor, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” It’s a very grim statement to make because a lot of people can agree that their vision is poor. You ask a ton of people that you know what they want to do with their lives, why they are working, what specifically they want, and most of them can’t give you a straight answer.
It’s the people who are clear with what they want that go far, and the best way to program what you want and REMIND yourself of what you want because sometimes it’s something to be in a great state and an energetic mood and make a claim on something big that you want only to sink back into a low self-esteem version of yourself that couldn’t imagine you actually accomplishing that goal, in comes the negative inner-comments like, “You couldn’t do that, just think of what so and so said,” “You’re not good enough, there’s no way you’ll be able to make that amount of money,” “You’re not good looking enough, you’re life isn’t stable, you’ve got something wrong with you, you’re not good enough for her, you don’t know how to manage your finances,” …and all sorts of inner turmoil, then negative images come in from the News and from other pictures that people paint in your head. I was recently on the stage of Family Feud with Steve Harvey and one of the big things he said that made a difference to me was, “The easiest way to kill a big dream is to tell it to a small-minded person.” These are people who are stuck in that rut of a negative cycle of self-doubt and are not able to see a concrete version of a better reality without counseling from someone who really has that positive spark. It doesn’t mean that you completely ignore them or never share a goal it just means don’t put any eggs in that basket, don’t really let their words hold weight, don’t let them hold you down in any way and if you feel like you’re balloon is being popped by someone in your inner circle it’s time to let them go because you’re life is a company that people come to work at on a daily basis, whoever you are and whoever your friends are you are your own entity, and those people who play a part in your life are all workers, and you pay them with things like kindness, spending time with them, and speaking the five love languages of “Quality Time, Acts of Service, Gifts, Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation.” You will get what you put out it’s all an ebb and flow, which is why ‘Karma’ ‘The Law of Sowing and Reaping’ in a financial sense, ‘surrounding yourself with the right people,’ ‘bad company corrupts good character.’ These are all things to keep in mind.
The pictures you see on a daily basis are so important.
I want you to understand how many pictures an average American see’s on a daily basis. How many words you think to yourself is multiplied by 1000 from pictures – what you’re beating yourself up with is draining pictures. I don’t condone the use of porn because those are ideas from other people other than yourself, instead make a visionboard and look at that, gain the motivation and then take action. Pictures are very stimulating, so much so that globally, porn, is a $97 billion industry, according to Kassia Wosick, assistant professor of sociology at New Mexico State University. At present, between $10 and $12 billion of that comes from the United States. However what if there were pictures that were better than porn, where you could even put down the characteristics of your ideal mate, creating a prayer/visionboard is so important that I’m going to show you mine and explain why it’s so important. There was one habit that I had where I would turn the Orgami slideshow on on the iPad Photos app and then let it scroll through all of the pictures I had in my visionboard folder. I would then have an audio memo playing and while it was on the slideshow I would speak out loud actions that I took in order to achieve those visionboard experiences. And a quote that I want you to take to heart comes from the Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman – so set up a list of defining experiences on your visionboard and look at that for motivation in the morning, and at night, and speak out loud or write out the action steps that you took in order to get you to that defining moment – and clarify the goal, if it’s a picture write something below it in the most powerful way of timeline therapy nlp suggests… “It is now (Date of Completion) and I am (gratefully, joyfully, enthusiastically) (doing / being / having) (defining moment or specific goal).” Something along the lines of… “It is now November 20th 2016 and I have gratefully gotten over a million online downloads from my album Trust.