Setting goals using this five years ago has dictated my life more than anything. I am in a position right now to TAKE those goals – they are simply there for the ASKING. I am in the position right now that if I keep on ASKING, SEEKING, and KNOCKING, I will achieve my those 5 year goals. I hope that you can say the same thing for the goals that you set using this form here, I found this – and I don’t know where I found it, it’s an old goal setting sheet I found from some Christian library, I don’t know who made it, but the power is in the prioritizing of the tasks, and making several tasks not just one thing. In a cycle of self-defeat? Have you been told by others you’re “doing it wrong,” or if you’re being called a “failure” or if people are just getting upset with you over minor things that aren’t really the main issue, if you’re having financial, spiritual, or health problems, keep reading… if you’re doing fine, keep reading… So first of all how do you start your mornings? I’ve written some articles before about some ideal days, and I’ve been posting more lately, building that momemtum, learning and growing stronger, getting tougher, I’ve gotten several new toys, replaced some thing that were stolen, and I’m getting closer with my parents. I’m feeling much more calibrated, and my two businesses, Angel Concierge and Rap Com are about to take off. I’m looking forward to finishing off the Six Pack Shortcuts workout calendar as well, I’m going to incorporate this routine into my life and I suggest you do the same:
Wake up earlier, go on a walk, breath in 4x out 4x and tap fingers (some study showed that this cleanses your body)
Write 50 things in my gratitude journal,
Speak some decree and incantations, thanking God for what I want. The Hour of Power, the Power Prayer – for some reason
I feel like answering those Power Prayer Questions I put together on OUT LOUD, there’s something about that, but I also do have a lot of prayers that I’ve written down. And in that time of my life I felt the power of it, and I am going to take action because I’m a leader. I have habits that I commit to and won’t break, discipline is adding positive habits you consciously create.
I am in the best shape, I am in the best relationships and I am strong, and can fix things with my hands, I am capable, and witty, I know how to get things done because I know that I need to keep trying and apply the best principles, emulate the best and move forward in regards to role modeling. The big goal that will help with a lot of things is going to be getting financially fit, saving $1000, paying off everything, saving $10,000, making $400+ a day everyday, if I made $400 a day, and spent half of it on my Dreamliner, saved 20%, tithed, 10% and spent the other 20% on random things, I’d have $200 a day towards my dreamliner, and 20% of 400 is $80, so $80 x 100 us $8000, so in 200 days, I’d have $16,000 totally saved up. That’s my goal, within 200 days, having $16,000 in my account from making $400 a day.
Here’s the ultimate success formula:
The more certain you are that what you want can happen, the easier it is for your brain to find a way to make it happen. When you have 100% certainty, your brain will find a way. What do you want vs What you have to do. Who do you want to make happy? The more you see it in advance, everything in your outside world started in your inside world. Create in your head first the way you want it so that it can appear in your life that way!
Use incantations – “I love my life,” repeating it with PASSION and over and over, get into it.
Everyday in every way I’m feeling happier and happier
Here’s a video I put up of a Tony Robbins’ Incantation almost 4 years ago: