Have you ever used craigslist to sell an item? I bet you have… and if you haven’t used it to sell an item I’m sure you’ve used it to buy something! One day I posted my car for sale on Craigslist at a price so reduced it was getting me almost 50x phone calls a day. I had posted a $2500 car for $500 because the engine blew up on me and I was on tour and needed an extra $500 to go to the School of Evangelism taught by Reinhard Bonnke himself. There have been items that I’ve bought off of craigslist for cheap and I’ve sold countless things on craigslist. I’ve also gotten jobs off of craigslist, posted ads on craigslist and had tons of people apply for the positions I put on craigslist. There’s a community of artists, of people who are interested in what you’re interested in, and all sorts of wonderful people engaging in the community of craigslist in almost all of the major cities. That’s why you need to get the Cubix Craigslist Scraper. What will you do with all of the e-mails of the people who post in the categories that you want to speak with? Read on…
My life has largely consisted of playing the “numbers game.” What I mean is that the girlfriends I’ve had, the CD’s I’ve sold, the performances I’ve done… they’ve been largely due to the sheer fact that I talk to plenty of girls, I offer my CD’s to tons of people, and I ask to perform every chance I get. Many people settle for simply doing it in person, while they are out and about, only meeting people within their social circles or at the public places both parties go to. I suggest taking it a step further, and building lists using the information you find online. It can be a tedious task finding information online, getting leads, starting conversations with everyone, and following-up after the initial talk, setting a time to do some sort of a deal, and then finally up-selling the converted lead on other products, involving them in your life, and keeping them engaged through the newsletters. I recommend using the software, Constant Contact. I also recommend using a lead management system like Zoho CRM. I was actually interviewed by them, check that out here.