I really had a good time on Cyber Monday finding all of the coolest stuff online, it really gave me a motivation to wake up early, make the calls I need to make, close the sales, and connect with the people I need to connect with in order for my music to take off and for my projects to come to fruition. I was able to build up my visionboard and ordered a bunch of stuff that’s on it’s way to my house now. There’s something that’s really motivating about the picture, and there’s this anticipation feeling you get, it’s a mix of excitement and you can probably define it as being “stoked.”
Urban Dictionary “stoked” – adjective – to be “stoked” is to be completely and intensely enthusiastic, exhilirated, or excited about something. those who are stoked all of the time know this; being stoked is the epitome of all being. when one is stoked, there is no limit to what one can do.
Without going too much into detail, I got an incredible Lion pendant chain that is gonna look sick, it’s got some super cool designs on the chain itself and the lion pendant looks amazing, I also got a nice external battery charger from Charge Tech that lets you even plug in devices as if it were the outlet in a wall… I’m getting the hoverboard for Christmas from my dad, and I got a bunch of other things. I also found a ton of clothes I want to get to increase my wardrobe and well the motivation that comes from something that’s only a click a way and the ease of getting money has been only getting better in my life, I’ve been building up my multiple streams of income and I’m excited about what’s going to happen as I start to travel more often and mingle with many of the most influential people in the world. Winning some awards for best new artist and album is going to be cool too 🙂
All that to say… well, how does this all apply to your life? Well I want you to see your goals in three dimensions. My friend Mac is working on a website called Telacity, and it’s a virtual mall. I want you to consider each goal you have as an order you give to the creator of Existence. I also recently made a prayer form on PrayerPharmacy.com where I forward the results to a thousand + prayer ministries. So imagine that prayer, your goals, whatever it is you desire as an order you’re placing with God. Just as that shipping address comes into your email with a tracking number see your goals as complete and on the way. Shipping between 2 to 8 days it says. One concept that stands out in my mind has to do with what Tony Robbins said in one of his talks about the difference between HOPE and EXPECTANCY. So check that out here and share your thoughts below!
You can train yourself to believe anything, which is a very important part of creating breakthrough in your life. These are some VERY good beliefs to train yourself to believe in.
Hope versus Demanding (I couldn’t find the exact video but what he said that stood out to me was the difference between “Hope” and “Expectancy” – and what he said was that Hope if you visualize something happening while you’re hoping for it then what happens is you